Each year the residents of Flamstead build over 120 scarecrows, which are placed around the village and attract about 5000 visitors over the three days. Join in the fun come along and collect a voting form and trail map at either the village hall or the car park make your way round the village, listing your favourite scarecrows, then take your form back to the village hall where there will be various attractions including Tombola, Cake Stalls, Refreshments, Puppet Shows and the Aldbury Morris Men on the Saturday. English Miscellany Folk & Morris Dancers and the Hemel Hempstead Band on the Sunday. There will be a Care Bus laid on to take anyone unable to walk, around the village on the Scarecrow trail.

The Festival takes place between 12.00pm – 5pm on Friday, 10.00am – 6pm on Saturday and 10.30am – 5.00pm on Sunday.

The proceeds are split between two charities – the Hertfordshire Multiple Sclerosis Therapy Centre in Letchworth and the Friends of St. Leonards in Flamstead.