To work more effectively, the Parish Council has a number of working groups, which deal with particular issues and make recommendations to the Council, where all the decisions are made.  Not all working groups are active all the time as they are dependent on what projects are in hand.

Communications: This group works to improve how the Parish Council shares information and news with the community.

Finance: This group works to ensure that the Parish Council’s finances are managed effectively and transparently.

Policy Review: This group works to ensure that the Parish Council has all appropriate policies and is implementing them effectively.

Management of Pavilion, Sports, Recreation Ground, Warden and Village Environment: this group oversees the Parish Council’s work to maintain and improve the village amenities and environment.

Pavilion Project Development: this group was set up to oversee the development of the new sports pavilion which was completed in April 2020.

Playground: this group works to maintain the village playground which was installed in 2018.

Luton Airport WG: This group meets to monitor and respond to developments at the airport.

Climate Change WG: To look at ways to see how the PC can make a difference to climate change.

Staffing Committee: This group meets as needed, for example to interview new staff members.